
Homework for 9/16-9/22 - practice spelling words

                                          math homework pages 2.7 and 2.8

Please make sure to check and sign your child's agenda book nightly!



Your child will bring home all written homework in this purple folder.  Each week, I will send home their homework packet in their folder on Friday.  This packet will contain all homework for this week.  The homework folder needs to be turned in no later than Thursday morning with the completed homework inside.  If a student does not get their homework done for the week, they may have to miss a recess or other activity to complete it. 

All homework, tests, and special activities will be written in the agenda book each day by each student.  The agenda book should come home every evening.  Please check your child’s book, sign the page, and help them remember to bring it back to school every day.  I will check for a parent/guardian signature each morning.  I also may write short notes to you in your child’s agenda book, and you are welcome to do the same.

Beginning in a few weeks, your child will be bringing home a baggie book to read a couple of nights a week.  Please have your child read this book to you, and then sign the sheet in the bag.  The baggie books need to be returned to school every day.